Scammers are using the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) to take advantage of people. These include contact via phone calls, emails and text messages...

At a time when many businesses are battening down the hatches to ensure long term survival, some are using their business as a force for good. To...

Homeowners now have the chance to supercharge the building of their new home or renovations with the Federal Government's HomeBuilder initiative...

Your new Visa Debit card reflects this and will serve as a reminder of the good you are doing just by banking with AWA. Current cardholders will...

Our current climate has negatively affected many people's lives. Earlier this year we saw AWA Members and the country come together to generously...

To encourage the usage of contactless banking, contactless PIN limits are being raised to $200. This means you can avoid having to touch the PIN...

As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation continues to evolve, I thought it timely to reassure all AWA Alliance Bank’s members by informing you of the...

We are doing everything possible to keep our staff and members safe and well in our environment. We have implemented additional hygiene measures and...

Outstanding Achievement Award - Rebecca Picone Rebecca Picone is the founder and CEO of the Peace of Mind Foundation, a not-for-profit that...

A huge thank you to all of our members who donated to our bushfire appeal. Together we raised $24,565.80. We are incredibly proud of the amount our...

To do our part for the worst bushfire season on record, we are providing matched donations to the National Bushfire Disaster Appeal.  More...

AWA held a Women's Cricket Clinic featuring Emma Kearney, an ex-Big Bash League player, current AFLW player and AWA member. Held at East Belmont...

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